Stumbling Into My Life:

An Immersive Virtual Reality Experience – Guest Blog             Many years ago, while working towards my Bachelor of Social Work degree, I learned to NOT volunteer for public role play exercises.  “Why?”, you ask.  Well, inevitably it would turn in a direction that I really was not prepared for.  I was caught off guard and,…

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Schooled by Minecraft: The Impact of the Digital World in Therapy – Guest Blog

Minecraft building and character

By Fiona Hill, LPC, RPT The Story Feeling or being ‘stuck’ is difficult. ‘Stuckness’ can look and feel differently, depending on who you are talking to.  Personally, a common theme has been that I want to run away.  Seemingly, life starts to close in around me and breathing can become very difficult.  Then, my focus…

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Self-Care: The Power of Saying ‘Yes’ to Yourself – Guest blog

By: Fiona Hill, MTS, MA, LPC Sometimes caring for yourself seems like a daunting all day-everyday task that’s unmanageable.  We are a sum of all our parts and when it seems all parts are needing care at the same time, it can become overwhelming.  As mental health professionals, we know caring for ourselves is important,…

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The Merging of the Mind and Body: EMDR and the VSA – Guest Blog

Fiona Hill, MTS, MA, LPC Sandtray…..sand……tray…what comes up for you when you see these words? Hear these words?  Think these words?  Before March 2020 I would literally have feelings of excitement.  What about after March 2020?  Honestly, sadness.  I am a lover of sandtray and all the healing properties it affords.  When we all started…

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