Discover Confidence, Connection, and Trust.

Jessica Stone, Ph.D., RPT-S
Author, Speaker, Coach,


The Therapeutic Core

Fundamentally, the most important thing about therapy is to be seen, heard, understood, and accepted. That is what we want as human beings.  That is why we seek connections.  We want that experience.

When we lack connection, we can have misunderstandings and make poor decisions.  

The purpose of my practice is to support children, teens, adults, and professionals discover trust, confidence, and connections toward their next development step. Search this website for books, virtual therapy tools, and online programs to help you uncover your path towards growth and healing.

“I’ve spent almost 10 years suffering and searching for solutions for deep trauma I experienced. I can’t thank Jessica enough for helping me return to a healed version of myself again.”

- Moxie Mama

4 Ways to Grow


Virtual Sandtray App

Now used around the globe, the Virtual Sandtray App came about to meet the needs of therapists in 2011 after the Tsunami hit Japan. We needed a portable, cleanable, and comprehensive way to do sandtray. Based on sandtray fundamentals, and tested with experts, this app is available for your practice, in person and in a telehealth practice.

Books For Professionals

For the therapist looking for new ways to engage clients in the digital age, along with increasing your own confidence in your practice, pick up a copy of one of my books. Recently published, “Digital Play Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide to Comfort and Competence,” is just one of several titles. Click below to see the complete library.

Private Practice

With a passion for encouraging developmental growth, I primarily work with teens, young adults, and women. You can expect to receive a brief consultation and an evaluation of fit for individual therapy.

Speaker & Presenter

Continuing education marks not only a professional requirement as a therapist, but also a personal commitment to excellence in the field. Click below to read more about available keynotes and upcoming events for your therapeutic CEs and meetings, whether in person or online.

Jessica Stone, PhD. RPT-S

Jessica Stone, Ph.D., RPT-S, is a licensed psychologist working in a private practice setting in Colorado. She has been a practitioner, professor, presenter, mentor, and author for 30+ years.  Dr. Stone’s interest in therapeutic digital tools, specifically using virtual reality, tablets, and consoles, has culminated in clinical mental health use and research for mental health, medical, and crisis settings.  She is the co-creator, CEO and CPO of the Virtual Sandtray App for iPad (VSA) and the Virtual Sandtray for Virtual Reality (VSA-VR).  Dr. Stone has numerous publications to date including Integrating Technology into Modern Therapies, Game Play, Play Therapy Theory and Perspectives, and Digital Play Therapy in addition to numerous chapters in a variety of books. She has served as the president of the California Association for Play Therapy branch, the Leadership Academy Chair, on the Association for Play Therapy Nominations committee, is a member of the AutPlay Advisory Board, and an affiliate of the East Carolina Neurocognition Science Lab.



Licensed Psychologist

CEO, Chief Psychology Officer

Hudson Certified Executive Coach



  • PsyPact® ePassport and APIT
  • Interjurisdictional Services in 42 US states
  • Licensed in CO and CA



Digital Play Therapy



Digital Play TherapyTM is a modality that utilizes highly motivating, immersive activities to incorporate areas of client culture and interest into the play therapy process to deepen relationships, gather information, implement interventions, and advance the treatment plan forward.

(Stone, 2020)



Picture of the Digital Play Therapy 2nd ed. book cover

What is Digital Play Therapy based on?

Based on the 5 Cs (Stone, 2022; 2020), Digital Play Therapy focuses on the therapist's:

Competency, Culture, Comfort, Congruence, and Capability.

Digital Play Therapy is a specific modality, based on the Therapeutic Powers of Play (Schaefer & Drewes, 2014) and speaking the client's language (Stone, 2016; 2019), Digital Play Therapy provides a structured foundation for the therapeutic use of digital tools in play therapy.
